Department of operation of ship power plants

Hryhoriy Mykhailovych Zelezny
Date of birth: 21.07.1952. In 1975, he graduated from the Odesa Higher Engineering Marine  School (OHEMS) with a major in Maritime Navigation. Ph.D. from 1985 in the specialty 05.22.16 - Navigation, Professor. He headed the Department of Technical Means of Navigation of the (OHEMS), later renamed the Odessa State Maritime Academy. Graduated from doctoral studies in 1995. Can read almost all navigation, legal and other disciplines for nav...
Maulevich Vladyslav Olegovich
Date of birth: 09.12.1988 Docent Research activities : R. A. Varbanets, V. G. Ivanovsky, A. V. Eryganov, Y. N. Kucherenko, E. I. Zholtykov, V. O. Maulevich. / POWELL'64 gradient-free minimization method in tasks of monitoring the working process of marine diesel engines// Bulletin of Odesa National Maritime University. Series: Marine engineering and technology". Odesa. -2017. - No. 4.- P. 49-612. Shumylo O.M., Kononova O.M., Maulevich V.O. E...
Tetyana Oleksandrivna Maslovska
Date of birth: 31.01.1970 Docent Research activities : MaslovskaTetianaEpithets in the Poetry of VasylSymonenko: Semantic Aspects/ Annals of the University of Craiova. ANALELE UNIVERSITATI DIN CRAIOVA SERIA STIINTE FILOLOGICE LINGVISTICA.- ANUL XLII, Nr. 1-2, 2020 (1), p.- 102-117. – 516 p. 2. Conceptosphere in the poems of V. Simonenko// Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Series: Philology. Collection of s...
Petro Petrovych Khokhlov
Date of birth: 07/08/1952 Research activities : Sea transport / M.T. Primachev // Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine [Electronic resource] / Edited by: V.O. Khokhlov P.P., Zhukovsky, M.G. Zheleznyak [and others]; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences. – K.: Institute of Encyclopedic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020.2. P.P. Khokhlov Hybrid intelligent networks/ S. A. Mykhaylov, R. Yu...
Severin Volodymyr Gennadiyovych
Date of birth: 26.06.1979 Docent Research activities : Siverin V.G. Methods of calculation of fuel injection process in marine diesel engines / V.G. Siverin // Problems of technology: scientific and technical journal. Khmelnytskyi National University. – 2021. – No. 3. – P. 111-127. 2. Siverin V.G. Methodology for calculation of the process of fuel injection system with different arrangement of the injection valve / V.G. Si...
Denderenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych
Date of birth: 12.10.1978 Docent Teacher of disciplines: "Life safety and the basics of occupational health and safety; Life safety and the basics of occupational safety: laboratory practice "Exercise training" Research activities : 1. Denderenko O.O. Integration of knowledge as a basis for the formation of professional competences of ship mechanics in universities of I - II levels of accreditation / O. O. Denderenko // Ped. sciences: co...
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