Denderenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Denderenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych

Date of birth:



Teacher of disciplines: "Life safety and the basics of occupational health and safety; Life safety and the basics of occupational safety: laboratory practice "Exercise training"

Research activities :

1. Denderenko O.O. Integration of knowledge as a basis for the formation of professional competences of ship mechanics in universities of I - II levels of accreditation / O. O. Denderenko // Ped. sciences: coll. of science works – Kherson: KhSU, 2020– Issue 66. - P. 294 - 301. 1. Denderenko O.O. Modeling the ship mechanic training process as a means of implementing a competency-based approach to studying at a maritime university / O.O. Denderenko // Ped. sciences: coll. of science works – Kherson: KhSU, 2021. – Issue 67. ? P. 326 - 332. 2. Denderenko O.O. The case method as a component of the technology of competence-oriented training of future ship mechanics / O. O. Denderenko // Scientific journal of the National. ped. University named after M.P. Drahomanova. ? Series 5. Pedagogical sciences: realities and prospects - Kyiv: Publication of the NPU named after M.P. Drahomanova, 2021 - Vol. 53. ? P. 57 - 62. 3. Denderenko O.O. Methodology for the implementation of an integrative approach to the training of future ship mechanics when studying the basics of hydromechanics / V.D. Sharko, O.O. Denderenko // Scientific notes. – Series: Problems of the methodology of physical, mathematical and technological education. – Kirovohrad: RVV KDPU named after V. Vinnichenko, 2021 - Issue 9, part 2. ? P.279 - 288.  4. Denderenko O.O. Competency tasks as a means of integrative teaching of physics for students of higher maritime educational institutions / O. O. Denderenko // Scientific notes. – Series: Problems of the methodology of physical, mathematical and technological education. – Kropyvnytskyi: RVV KDPU named after V. Vinnichenko, 2022. – Issue 10, part 2. ? P. 43 - 47. 5. Denderenko O.O. Organization and results of a pedagogical experiment on the formation of professional competence of future ship mechanics / O. O. Denderenko // Scientific journal of the National. ped. University named after M.P. Drahomanova. ? Series 5. Pedagogical sciences: realities and prospects. - K.: Ed. NPU named after M. P. Drahomanova, 2022 - Vol. 59. ? P. 40 - 46.

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