Maulevich Vladyslav Olegovich

Maulevich Vladyslav Olegovich

Date of birth: 09.12.1988


Research activities :

R. A. Varbanets, V. G. Ivanovsky, A. V. Eryganov, Y. N. Kucherenko, E. I. Zholtykov, V. O. Maulevich. / POWELL'64 gradient-free minimization method in tasks of monitoring the working process of marine diesel engines// Bulletin of Odesa National Maritime University. Series: Marine engineering and technology". Odesa. -2017. - No. 4.- P. 49-612. Shumylo O.M., Kononova O.M., Maulevich V.O. Evaluation of the cyclic strength of parts of ship machinery by similarity equations of fatigue failure - Problems of technology: Scientific and industrial journal. - 2018. - No. 2. - pp. 108-113.3. Yeriganov A. V. Measurement of the dielectric constant of liquids at different temperatures / A. V. Yeriganov, S. A. Khanmadov, V. O. Maulevich // Ship power plants: scientific and technical collections - 2019. - Issue 29. - Odesa: ONMA - pp. 104 - 106.4 O. M. Shumylo, V. O. Maulevich Definition optimal characteristics of resistance to fatigue of machine parts under the influence of irregular load regimes - Technical problems: Scientific and industrial journal - 2020. - No. 2. - P. 15-26.5 Varbanets R.A., Maulevich V.O. Parametric diagnostics ship diesel power plant in operation/R.A. Varbanets, Y.M. Kucherenko, O.I. Golovan // Aviation and Space Engineering and Technology. Scientific and Technical Journal. Kharkiv, National Aerospace University named after NOT. Zhukovsky "KHAI" - 2019. - No. 10 (87). - P. 197-202.

V.O. In 2011, Maulevich graduated from the Ship Mechanics Faculty of Odesa National Maritime University, majoring in "Ship Power Plants and Equipment". In 2013, he worked at the university as an assistant, and in 2017, he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of "Ship Power Plants and Technical Operation".

Participates in international scientific and technical congresses and conferences


Teacher of disciplines:

Master's degree: Technical management of shipping companies

Bachelor's degree: "Technical use of ship's technical equipment, management of the engine team and safe watch keeping; International Maritime Organization standards and safety measures on the ship; Laboratory workshop "Virtual engine room"; Laboratory workshop "High-voltage equipment svden"

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