Tetyana Oleksandrivna Maslovska

Tetyana Oleksandrivna Maslovska

Date of birth: 31.01.1970


Research activities :

MaslovskaTetianaEpithets in the Poetry of VasylSymonenko: Semantic Aspects/ Annals of the University of Craiova. ANALELE UNIVERSITATI DIN CRAIOVA SERIA STIINTE FILOLOGICE LINGVISTICA.- ANUL XLII, Nr. 1-2, 2020 (1), p.- 102-117. – 516 p. 2. Conceptosphere in the poems of V. Simonenko// Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Series: Philology. Collection of scientific papers. Issue 20, Odesa 2016 3. Stylistic figures in the poems of V. Simonenko // Odesa Linguistic Bulletin Collection of Scientific Works. Issue 7, Odesa 2016

Study guide for students of the specialty "Pharmacy" Current issues of occupational health and safety in medical and pharmaceutical institutions. Provision of emergency medical aid in emergency situations.- Odesa.- Phoenix.- 2019.- 220 p. by the council on 31.08.2021, protocol No. 1)

Study guide for the discipline: "Ukrainian language of professional direction" (for students of the Medical College of OMK). Approved by the Academic Council of the International Humanitarian University, protocol No. 6 of February 26, 2016

Maslovska T.O., Topchii L.M., Tsyganok I.B. Ukrainian language Educational and methodical manual. Odesa, 2021. 80 p1. Maslovska T.O. The lexical wealth of Vasyl Simonenko's poetics. Actual problems of philological science: modern scientific discussions: materials of a scientific and practical conference. Odesa, March 23-24, 2018.2. Maslovska Tetiana. EpithetsinthePoetryofVasylSymonenko: SemanticAspects. ANALELE UNIVERSITATI DIN CRAIOVA SERIA STIINTE FILOLOGICE LINGVISTICA. ANUL XLII. N. 1-2, 2020. P.102-117.3. Maslovska T.O. Literary phenomenology as an object of scientific research. Scientific notes of the International Humanitarian University. 2018. Issue 28. P. 87-90.4. Maslovska T.O. The poetics of visuality in Valery Shevchuk's novel "Eye of the Abyss". Linguistic theory and practice: historical heritage, current problems and prospects for development: Mater. XIII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor V. G. Taranets (Odesa, December 13, 2019). Odesa, 2019. P. 156-159.5. Maslovska T.O. Intonation of Vasyl Symonenko's poems Linguistic theory and practice: historical heritage, current problems and prospects for development: materials of the 14th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor V. G. Taranets. (Odesa, December 11, 2020). Odesa, 2020. P. 122-123.

Experience of practical work in the specialty of 27 years

Teacher of disciplines:

Ukrainian language for professional direction

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