Department of Navigation

Yaroslav Serhiyovych Hodzhek
Date of birth: 07.03.1991 Scientific activity: 1. Denderenko O.O., Gojek J.S. Integration of knowledge as a basis for the formation of professional competences of ship mechanics in universities of I - II levels of accreditation / O. O. Denderenko // Ped. sciences: coll. of science works – Kherson: KhSU, 2020– Issue 66. - P. 294 - 301. 1. Denderenko O.O., Hodzhek Y.S. Modeling the process of ship mechanic training as a means of imple...
Vitaly Ivanovych Iovchev
Date of birth: 21.06.1993 Research activities : Iovchev V.I. The influence of fuzzification and defuzzification methods on the quality of transient processes in fuzzy control systems/ Iovchev V.I.., R. Yu. Kharchenko // Elektrotekhnicheskie i kompyuternye sistemy.– 2020. – No. 4 (80). - P. 199-204. Index Copernicus Iovchev V.I. Comparative analysis of the theory of decision-making in the conditions of uncertainty and fuzzy logic on...
Valeriy Oleksandrovich Saveliev
Date of birth: August 12, 1950 Research activities : Sea transport / M.T. Primachev // Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine [Electronic resource] / Edited by: V.O. Saveliev, A. I. Zhukovsky, M. G. Zheleznyak [and others]; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences. – K.: Institute of Encyclopedic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020.2. V.O. Saveliev. Hybrid intellectual networks/ S. A. Mykhayl...
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