Vitaly Ivanovych Iovchev

Vitaly Ivanovych Iovchev

Date of birth: 21.06.1993

Research activities :

Iovchev V.I. The influence of fuzzification and defuzzification methods on the quality of transient processes in fuzzy control systems/ Iovchev V.I.., R. Yu. Kharchenko // Elektrotekhnicheskie i kompyuternye sistemy.– 2020. – No. 4 (80). - P. 199-204. Index Copernicus Iovchev V.I. Comparative analysis of the theory of decision-making in the conditions of uncertainty and fuzzy logic on the example of setting the PI - regulator / V. S. Mykhaylenko, R. Yu. Kharchenko // ASU and automatic devices. – 2022. – No. 154. Khnure. - P. 76-83. Iovchev V. "Application of hybrid networks in the adaptive control systems of heat power objects" / Iovchev V., Yu. Kharchenko // Scientific Works of VNTU. ISSN 2307-5376 – 2019. – No. 1.– P.1-9. Iovchev V.I.. Adaptive tuning of a fuzzy PI - regulator for the identification of a transient process/ Iovchev V.I.., R. Yu. Kharchenko // Trudy Odessa Polytechnic University. – 2019. – No. 1 (38). - P. 152-156. Index Copernicus

Co-author of several methodological manuals, honorary member of London Journals Press

Teacher of disciplines:

Theoretical mechanics,

Ship turbine installations and ïx operation,

Fuel systems of modern marine diesels;

Maritime law

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