Ihor Volodymyrovych Shamsha

Ihor Volodymyrovych Shamsha

Date of birth: 11.04.1974


Research activities :

. Shamsha I.V. The concept of TIME as a triple synthesis in "Difference and repetition" by Gilles Deleuze / I.V. Shamsha // Concepts and contrasts: Monograph / N.V. Petlyuchenko, S.I. Potapenko, O.A. Babelyuk, E.L. Streltsov and others: under the editorship. N.V. Petlyuchenko. – Odesa: Helvetica Publishing House, 2017. – P. 146–153. – (Series "Odessa Studies on Linguistics and Social Sciences").

Yeremenko O. M. Philosophical foundations and organization of scientific research: educational and methodological recommendations (for postgraduate students of all specialties of NU "OYUA") / O.M. Eremenko, O.A. Ivakin, L.M. Sumarokova, I. V. Shamsha, I.I. Matyushina Odesa: National University "Odesa Law Academy", 2019. 50 p.2. Yeremenko O. M. Philosophical foundations and organization of scientific research: educational and methodological recommendations (for postgraduate students of all specialties of NU "OYUA") / O.M. Eremenko, O.A. Ivakin, L.M. Sumarokova, I. V. Shamsha, I.I. Matyushina / Edition with changes and additions. Odessa: National University "Odesa Law Academy", 2022. 49 p. 3. Rozova T.V. Social anthropology: Educational and methodological guide / T.V. Rozova, I.V. Shamsha. – Odesa: Phoenix, 2016. – 43 p. - (Series: "Educational and methodological aids"). 4. Yeremenko O. M. Philosophical foundations and organization of scientific research: educational and methodological recommendations (for postgraduate students of all specialties of NU "OYUA") / O.M. Eremenko, O.A. Ivakin, L.M. Sumarokova, I. V. Shamsha, I.I. Matyushina - Odesa: National University "Odesa Law Academy", 2019. - 50 p.5. Philosophical foundations and organization of scientific research: educational and methodical recommendations (for postgraduate students of all specialties of NU "OYUA") / O.M. Eremenko, O.A. Ivakin, L.M. Sumarokova, I.V. Shamsha, I.I. Matyushina Edition with changes and additions. Odesa: National University "Odesa Law Academy", 2022. 49 p.

Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Actual Problems of Philosophy and Sociology", which is included in the list of specialized publications of Ukraine in the field of philosophical sciences.

Shamsha I.V. Development of technologies of psychological violence in the information society: ethical and anthropological view / I.V.Shamsha // Legal life of modern Ukraine: in 3 volumes: materials of International. science and practice conf. (Odesa, May 15, 2020) / resp. ed. M. R. Arakelyan. - Odesa: "Helvetyka" Publishing House, 2020. - Vol. 1. - P.15 - 18. 2. 2. Shamsha I.V. Beauty (of the world) as a search for philosophy / I.V.Shamsha // Ukrainian society in search of answers to the challenges of modernity: worldview level of understanding: Mater. All-Ukrainian scientific-theoretical conf. (Odesa, June 18–19, 2020) / for general ed. Academician S. V. Kivalova. – Odesa: Phoenix, 2020. – P. 54–58.3. 3. Shamsha I.V. Ethical and anthropological answer to the main question of lawyer's ethics / I.V.Shamsha // Philosophical, methodological and psychological problems of law [Text]: materials VIII Vseukr. science and theory conf. (Kyiv, November 26, 2020) / [editors: V. V. Chernei, M. V. Kostytskyi, S. D. Husarev, etc.]. - Kyiv: National. Acad. internal of affairs, 2020. – P.303–306.4. 4. Shamsha I.V. Academic integrity as an educational "trend" of modernity / I.V Shamsha // Social and humanitarian dimensions of the rule of law: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference (Dnipro, April 30, 2021). – Dnipro: Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, 2021. – P.312–315.5. 5. Shamsha I.V. Onto-gnoseological content of the remote training process / I.V. Shamsha // Science and social life of Ukraine in the era of global challenges for humanity in the digital era (on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the declaration of independence of Ukraine and the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine): in 2 volumes - Volume 1: materials of the International Scientific and Practical conference (Odesa, May 21, 2021) / edited by S.V. Kivalov. – Odesa: Helvetica Publishing House, 2021. – P.18–22.6. Shamsha I.V. The role of time in the synthesis of human essence and existence in the concept of Emmanuel Levinas. The third academic readings in memory of G. I. Volinka: "Philosophy, science and education": Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. May 17-18, 2019. Kyiv: VADEKS LLC, 2019. P. 78-81.

Head of the student discussion club "Logos".

Teacher: Philosophy

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